I’m sharing with you a sketch of comprehensive pipline for processing raw sequencing data. The pipeline mainly employs Bash and Python. The bioinformatic tools I’m using including samtools, Picard, GATK and bwa. I’m outlining the steps below:
I compeleted Completed Quantitate Analysis of immunostaining tumor cells with Metamorph and EXCEL and presented in University Undergraduate Research Forum.
I’m sharing with you a sketch of comprehensive pipline for processing raw sequencing data. The pipeline mainly employs Bash and Python. The bioinformatic tools I’m using including samtools, Picard, GATK and bwa. I’m outlining the steps below:
I compeleted Completed Quantitate Analysis of immunostaining tumor cells with Metamorph and EXCEL and presented in University Undergraduate Research Forum.
I compeleted Completed Quantitate Analysis of immunostaining tumor cells with Metamorph and EXCEL and presented in University Undergraduate Research Forum.